The ASME SJCET student section was inaugurated on January 25, 2018. From its very inception, our section focused on providing training to students to become experts in innovative thinking with excellence in learning. ASME SJCET provides better career development opportunities and services for students, through expert industrial and research
lectures, extending full support for all International/National technical events thereby enhancing the self-confidence and self-esteem of students.
The ASME SJCET student section have members from all branches of engineering and works in interdisciplinary domain to cater the technical needs of our students. Dr. Lijo Paul, Associate Professor of the ME department, is the staff advisor of the section.
Programs were arranged under the leadership of an executive council with members from all branches of engineering. The whole team is guided by the slogans “Excellence is our obsession” and “Synergy at work.“
Dr. Lijo Paul
Dean Student Affairs
Associate Professor Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Building up a new culture with a blend of cutting-edge technology and industrial experience in multidisciplinary domain is the dream of ASME SJCET. Let's join hands in nurturing this new genesis of youngsters who have passion and dreams in life as ASME SJCET works in interdisciplinary domains with its global networks for bridging the solutions to real-world challenges.
ASME SJCET aspires to elevate a better future for the community through innovations and creativity in mechanical engineering.
By providing high-quality education, innovative research and cutting-edge technology, ASME SJCET empower our society with teamwork, leadership growth and empathy for nature.